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The power of testimonial? - on documentary film in the age of fake news

The power of testimonial? - on documentary film in the age of fake news

A conversation during which authors of documentaries will answer the question: how to do it - and why? What is the role of the documentary (press, book, film) today and what ethical dilemmas are associated with the creation of non-fiction materials? In reference to Ra'anan Alexandrowicz's film "The Viewing Booth."



  • Maria Zmarz Koczanowicz - documentary film director

  • Urszula Jabłońska - reporter, author of, among others, "Człowiek w przystępnej cenie. Reportaże z Tajlandii” ("Affordable people. Stories from Thailand")

  • Joanna Gierak-Onoszko - reporter, author of, among others, "27 śmierci Toby'ego Obeda” ("27 Deaths of Toby Obed")

  • Paweł Reszka - journalist, reporter, author of, among others, "Płuczki. Poszukiwacze żydowskiego złota" ("The Pans: Prospectors for Jewish Gold")

  • Maciej Nowicki - director of WATCH DOCS. Human Rights in Film IFF

The meeting was moderated by Magdalena Kicińska, editor-in-chief of "Pismo" magazine.

Conversation translated into Polish sign language. 

The recording of the conversation is available on WATCH DOCS Facebook page.

Media patronage: "Pismo" magazine