Happy Worker — or how the work was sabotaged
When did work stop being rewarding and become associated with stress and depression? What does the corporate dream of efficiency have in common with the Allies’ WWII-era instructions for saboteurs?
Stressed and burned-out? Join the club! Join us for a film story about the absurdities of contemporary work culture shows the lack of decision-making power, an unintelligible structure, endless meetings, bureaucracy and continuous ASAPs, as the elements of our daily work, were described decades ago. However, it wasn’t in a management guide, but a World War II-era Allied instruction for saboteurs. How did phenomena objectively considered harmful take root in our offices for good? And what does the corporate obsession with efficiency lead to? A film about the loneliness of the modern employee and a system to which we, without hesitation, devote everything that is important, without getting anything in return.
Marta Lityńska
2022 CPH:DOX