MEETING: Crisis of the Earth, can art help?

MEETING: Crisis of the Earth, can art help?

The second day of the WATCH DOCS festival in Elbląg will open with the meeting ‘Crisis of the Earth, can art help?' . whose guest will be Dr. Arkadiusz Sylwestrowicz.

The meeting will be followed by a screening of the film ‘This is Our Everything’, directed by Frederik Subeia and "Planet B" by Pieter Van Eecke.

Free admission


Dr. Arkadiusz Sylwestrowicz - involved in promoting the art of South American artists, painter, traveller. During his escapades into the depths of the Amazon forest, he takes photographs and creates video footage. His paintings are inspired by the natural beauty of the amazon nature. Graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk at the Faculty of Painting in Professor Maciej Świeszewski's studio.