Name of the Game

Name of the Game

102' 2021
dir.: Håvard Bustnes

A disgraced politician, accused of sexual harassment, tries to get back in his party’s favor. Will the geriatric political culture survive the moral scandal? 

Trond Giske, a Norwegian labor party leader, becomes a political outsider as a result of a moral scandal. But he refuses to be cowed by the sexual harassment accusations. Giske invites Håvard Bustnes to accompany him with a camera on a tour of the provinces as a prelude to his triumphant come back into favor. The charismatic politician effortlessly convinces voters that he has fallen victim to a smear campaign unleashed by his opposition. Meanwhile, new information appears in the media about another scandal involving Giske. Bustnes takes full advantage of the opportunity to look behind the scenes of boomer supremacy, which is slowly fading away - often due to #metoo scandals. He also closely watches the media, which peddles sensationalism over valuable information.

Konrad Wirkowski

2021 IDFA
2022 CPH:DOX
2022 Hot Docs
free entry
102' 2021 Norway
Håvard Bustnes
Karl Erik Brøndbo, Viggo Knudsen, Øystein Eldholm, Åsmund Hasli
Torkel Gjørv
Christian Aune Falch for UpNorth Film