Pray for Our Sinners
An Irish journalist reveals the sinister reality of a Catholic centre for single mothers and pays tribute to the women who, despite the small-town pressure, speak out against the omnipotence of the Church.
Irish director and journalist Sinéad O'Shea, known for A Mother Brings Her Son to Be Shot revisits her hometown of Navan to uncover the deep-seated abuses perpetrated by Catholic institutions with the local Church's blessing. Her investigation probes into the theocracy fuelled by fear and guilt. She conducts interviews with women who endured the notorious Magdalene Sisters' "shame laundries," reminiscent of scenes from Peter Mullan's film. The documentary also traces the narratives of individuals who suffered physical abuse at the hands of schoolteachers, a cycle perpetuated by successive generations. This theatre of cruelty persisted under the oversight of a highly charismatic priest, revered by the community. Amidst this dark tableau, the film highlights the few who dare to challenge the oppressive status quo.
Marta Lityńska
2022 TIFF