Two teenage activists with a mission to make the world aware of the threat of species extinction.
Bella and Vipulan are hellishly intelligent yet disarmingly innocent sixteen-year-old environmental activists. Taking advantage of the privilege of youth, they are not afraid to formulate either seemingly naive or absolutely honest questions and comments. Always on point. Cyril Dion handles the Candide perspective they provide with sensitivity and humor. He takes Bella and Vipulan on a truly remarkable journey, full of encounters with people and with nature. Or rather - simply with nature, because as this spectacular film proves, we are part of it, even though we tried so hard to deny it. To the irreparable detriment of both nature and us. In a light film form, "Animal" allows us to look at the deeper causes of the environmental crisis marked by climate change and the great wave of mass extinction of species.
Maciej Nowicki