WORKSHOP: War fact-checking

The first victim of war is the truth. During armed conflicts, disinformation is particularly dangerous, and attempts to manipulate public opinion - whether in the form of a suitably limited set of information or even fake news - are to be expected on both sides of an ongoing conflict. During the workshop, participants will learn how to identify and - most importantly - how to verify manipulated and false information present in the public space in connection with the ongoing war in Ukraine. Fact-checking, or fact-checking strategies, will be discussed using specific examples of disinformation from the first two and a half years of the conflict. Participants will also hear about how professional fact-checking organizations work and how their work can be used to reduce the reach of false information.


Workshop dedicated to adults

  • Monika Szafrańska: 2019-2023 fact-checker at, currently an assistant at the Institute of Journalism, Media and Social Communication at Jagiellonian University. Participant in the international scientific project “Mapping Media for Future Democracies” (MeDeMap). Academically, she works on the importance of media for democracy and public participation, including especially the role of fact-checking. She is writing her doctoral dissertation on the role of factchecking portals in the media system.

Please note: the number of places is limited!
