WALK + DISCUSSION: Let's create a city!

Registration via form: https://forms.gle/pC5R6XZnpn1PcNAD7

The event will present research findings, demands and recommendations for policies and practices relating to the safety of girls* and women in public spaces. An integral part of the event will be an exploratory walk together with a discussion focused on the topic of safety in public spaces. The exploratory/exploratory walks are an opportunity to collectively map/analyse/read spaces (streets, alleys, urban transport, public buildings and commercial spaces) and then gather feedback and comments from female participants* on what should change to make public spaces safer, more inclusive and equitable. The event is aimed at female residents of Krakow, including women* involved in urban movements, civil society organisations, education, as well as those involved in the creation and implementation of policies, solutions, programmes and in management and decision-making processes - in educational institutions, social welfare system institutions, justice institutions, social policies, equality policies, youth policies.


Prowadzenie: Magdalena Stoch, Agata Teutsch, fundacja Juniper