Introduction + discussion after the film: Agnieszka Karpiel

Introduction + discussion after the film: Agnieszka Karpiel

Join us for film screenings accompanied by an introduction and post-film discussion led by Agnieszka Karpiel.

The strange rise and fall of Germany's biggest journalist showing just how thin the line between truth and fiction has become. 

When Claas Relotius, one of Germany's most celebrated journalists, accepted his final award in 2019, he was aware that his illustrious reputation was hanging by a thread. Shortly thereafter, his career imploded amidst a colossal scandal when it was revealed that the reporting which got him to the top was largely fabricated. Daniel Sager's meticulously crafted film delves into the ‘Relotius affair’, seeking insights from his rivals, editors, and colleagues. It seems unfathomable that Der Spiegel, a paragon of media integrity, could have been duped by a charlatan for years. Sager's film raises probing questions: In this age of pervasive relativism and echo chambers, is there still an imperative for truth and journalistic objectivity? 

Konrad Wirkowski  

Free admission

Agnieszka Karpiel - culture expert, anthropologist, cultural animator, project coordinator, co-founder of the Open Space Association.